Sunday, January 27, 2008

Catching up...

Clearly I fail at actually keeping a blog. I feel like this is similar to keeping a journal. Historically I've done really well for the first couple of days, and then inevitably the entries become more and more infrequent... (Hmmm, it occurs to me that this is the case with the journal on my shelf right now, maybe I should fix that.) Hopefully I'll be better about it from now on.
Anyway, I've finally settled into my new city and I have to say that I absolutely love it here. In fact, I like it so much I may never leave. Edinburgh is amazing. I still haven't seen everything, but I have a list of bests so far...

Best Drink: Snakebite
Best Pub: The clear winner on this one is Bannerman's on Cowgate.
Best Coffee Shop: Chocolate Soup - word of warning, don't eat anything for at least a day before entering!!!
Best View: Arthur's Seat, pretty much anything from the Royal Mile, Edinburgh Castle
Best Food: West Nile for Sudanese food, delicious!!
Best Workout: Walking. Seriously! Edinburgh is a very hilly city.
Best Statue: Greyfriars Bobby, at the top of Chambers Street.
Best Holiday: Burns' Night - kilts galore!!!

Places I haven't seen yet, but want to:
Mary King's Close
National Museum of Scotland and Royal Museum of Scotland (they are right across the street from my flat - you'd think I would have been by now!)
Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood Place, Calton Hill

So, I guess I'll be busy this week! Other plans include rugby practice/games and the Sports Union ball on Thursday. I'll work on finding time for another update soon!


Alysa said...

snakebite? sounds intriguing!

Liz said...

It is delicious. Half ale, half cider with a splash of black current juice.

Alysa said...
